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Authentication uses API keys to authenticate requests to our API endpoints.

API keys can be generated from the developer dashboard.

Public keys

Public keys are required to query publicly accessible data via endpoints like nonprofit search.

Public keys are suitable for use in both server-side and public-facing client side applications. While they don't need to be kept secret, we reserve the right to block api keys at any time if there is inappropriate usage.

Making requests

Endpoints that only require public key authentication will only accept GET request. Your public key should be specified via the apiKey url parameter like so, replacing the placeholder "myPublicApiKey" value with your real one:


Javascript fetch
curl ""

Private keys

Private keys are used to query data and make requests that are privileged to your account. This includes actions like creating nonprofit fundraisers.

Your private key will only be shown once on generation, so you must store it securely right away. Private keys must be stored privately and only used in non-public environments like an API server. They must be kept out of publicly-accessible areas like client-side applications or version control.

Making requests

Requests to endpoints that require private key authentication should be authenticated using HTTP Basic Auth. The Username can be any public key associated with your account, and the password should be a private key associated with your account.


Javascript fetch

fetch(``, {
method: HttpMethod.POST,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${publicKey}:${privateKey}`).toString(
body: {
curl -X "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{...fundraiserInfo}' -u "publicKey:privateKey"